In 1984, as I headed off to college, my Father gave me a handwritten list where he had jotted down for me some “words of advice.” He called them suggestions. But, over the years I’ve referred to them time and time again and I’ve come to think of them as much more than “suggestions.”
I still have that little sheet written on yellow paper 32 years later. It is now kept safely in a plastic zip lock bag and although it is a little charred from my college roommate trying to light it on fire, it is one of my most prized possessions. One of my Father’s suggestions was: “Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan!” I realize that this is nothing that most of us haven’t heard for many years. But, it is not always something we do. I continue to see the wisdom in the phrase.
#1 Undergraduate International Business program in the US
Last week I saw a perfect example of how this mantra can lead to success. Our daughter, Carter, was accepted into the #1 Undergraduate International Business program in the US. This achievement wasn’t all luck or even just good grades. This achievement is the culmination of a well-thought out plan that took years to execute. Carter researched, engaged in self-analysis, strategized and spent the time needed to come up with a good plan.
check and mate
It started back in 8th grade. She had heard a little bit about the International Baccalaureate program in high school and decided to get involved. Step 1, check. After Sophomore year at Nease (the top high school in Florida’s No.1 school district) the next part of the plan came together when she was accepted into the Rotary Youth Exchange program and spent a year in Peru. Step 2, check. When college application time came around she was accepted to seven schools. She chose her #1 choice, the real USC, University of South Carolina. Step 3, check. After researching the best way to be accepted to the program after Sophomore year, Carter determined the least number of applicants were fluent in Portuguese. So, already fluent in Spanish, she then learned Portuguese. Step 4, check. Great grades, two languages, an IB diploma from high school sounds like enough. But, Carter added strategic meetings with influential people to the plan. Step 5, check and mate. She was accepted and now the next plan begins. Her mother and I look forward to finding out what the next plan is. We know it will be successful because she planned her work and she worked her plan.
These are skills that can be learned and we’d like to think that Carter learned at least some of them from us!
we’ve got you covered in Jacksonville!
At Sell or Dwell? we take pride in setting a plan for your needs. It might be to make your home look it’s best through Staging or Styling. Check. You might need to rent a new home or rent out the one you are living in now. Check. You might need to buy your next home or sell the one you are living in today, check and mate for Sell or Dwell?.
Whatever your Real Estate needs are; whether you’re “Selling or Dwelling”... we’ve got you covered in Jacksonville!